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Jump to a random problem Welcome to This is a site where you can actually improve yourself by pitting your think-tank of a brain against the perplexing and puzzling problems submitted by others.

That's right, puzzles! That's what is all about. We will try to be posting new ones on the regular basis, so check back often. And if you have one or two to contribute, don't be shy! See how others do against that "impossible" problem your teacher/proffessor posed for you. If you have a solution - post it, we promise not to give it away right away!

So create yourself an account, and go browse the site. Leave comments, suggestes solutions, or just an explanation why someone else's solution is so wrong, it can't get no wronger.

This site is still in active development, which means new features will be added as we go along. Think we're missing something? Let us know!

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Here's what it will look like in your page:

Puzzle of the day from
Believe it or not (Difficulty: 2 of 5)

Is the following sentence technically true or false?

    The sun will rise tomorrow morning.

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