Flooble's Post 'Em Notes is a free javascript that allows you to add proffessional-looking pop-up notes
right inside your page. In the age of the internet, why are so many sites still using footnotes? Because
even though better technology is available, up until now, it required difficult programming to achieve.
Not anymore. With flooble's Post 'Em Notes (not at all related to 3M's Excellent Post-It's�) everyone can add
notes like this:
You too can have little notes on your page that pop up with explanation
where it's needed.
to their pages quickly and easily - all it takes it a little cutting and pasting!
Post 'Em Notes appear as little clickable links, right in the text of the page. When a visitor
clicks on one of them, A box with the note's text will pop up.
These notes do not open in a popup window. Instead, they are shown in a <DIV>
layer right inside your page - which makes them instantaneous, no matter what connection your visitor
is on.
When the visitor clicks the Post 'Em link the second time, the note will become hidden again. The note can also
be hidden by clicking on any other note, or the "hide" link in it's title bar.
This script has been tested in all modern browsers
flooble's Post 'Ems has been tested to work with the following:
- Internet Explorer 5.5, 6+
- Netscape Navigator 6, 7+
- Mozilla (and related)
, and even if your visitors are using an older browser, which
does not support it, the page will not appear broken to them.