Project Genesis
Internal Corporate Correspondence

This was originally written in Russian by Yuriy Nesterenko.

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To: General Director Jehovah
From: Lucifer, Head of System Technology Department

The recent deviations from the specification introduced the following problems into the system:

The mass of the uninterruped light source is significantly greater than the mass of the planet. Due to this, the light source cannot be in orbit around the planet. Instead, it is the planet that is orbiting the light source.

Furthermore, due to the energy output of the light source, we are observing surface temperature that consistently exceeds the spec. by a factor of 2. However if we move the planet further away from the light source, the overall dimentions of the system will grow significantly.

A larger system will probably benefit us from the marketing standpoint, but the fact that the planet is rotating around a peripheral device may lead to self esteem issues on the part of the user. Could we perhaps change the Gravitational Constant to compensate?
-- Gabriel

Changing the Gravitational Constant will result in compatibility problems down the line
-- Michael

What difference is it to the user what orbits what? Let Marketing come up with some kind of theory of Relativity.
-- Jehovah

To: General Director Jehovah
From: Lucifer, Head of System Technology Department

After the increase in the orbital radius, all attempts to accelerate the planet to specified velocity have consistently lead to a system crash. (The planet escapes from orbit into outer space.)

By the way, the nighttime luminary exhibits the same behavior.

The internal behavior of the system is irrelevant. We must deliver on the user experience. Why not make the planet revolve around its own axis? The user will then think that both the Sun and the Moon are orbiting it with the speeds originally specified.
-- Gabriel

Won't the user catch on?
-- Jehovah

Even if he does, it won't be til' the project is long delivered.
-- Gabriel

-- Jehovah

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